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Worst customer service ever experienced

Bewertet: Mo, 13 Mai, 2019
Über East Coast: 4.3 /10
Wanted to write an email to provide some formal feedback on my experience with the customer service team at the Tugan car rental depot. It was less than satisfactory and left me with a very poor impression on the way you deal and engage with your customers. As a paying customer, you would expect that you are treated with friendly, courteous and respectful service - this was not the case when i picked up my car on Sunday 5//5/19 - instead was met with extremely poor attitude, no smile, short and vague responses - overall not a great example of how customers should be treated, i drove away with my car feeling ripped off and started what was supposed to a special getaway with my partner in a foul mood due your customer service. I hope you take this feedback on board and communicate with your team at the Tugan depot so that other customers are not left with the same sour taste in their mouth as i did. Kind Regards
Kompakt | Hyundai Accent oder ähnliches

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