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Great booking process excellent prices had zero problems at all three locations!

Bewertet: Di, 9 Apr, 2019
Über Budget: 9.3 /10
The front desk staff At the Phoenix locationwas trying to not authorize the rental rate because they stated I held a US passport I told individuals that I live in Germany and I have a visa that is sanctioned under the status of forces agreement (SOFA) agreement and I’m a resident in Germany through the status of force agreement for a BUDGET claims to be pro military and that has a relationship with USAA they seem not to know that military personnel/ Government personnel are living in working overseas are residents of overseas locations in foreign countries! My suggestion if personnel for budget are going to be working at an international airport as large as the Phoenix airport that the school their staff on the situations! Shame on you but shit I wish USAA would reconsidered their partnership with you!
Über QEEQ: 10.0 /10
Mittlere | Hyundai Elantra oder ähnliches

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