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My booking replaced with a lemon!

Bewertet: Mo, 21 Jan, 2019
Über AVIS: 5.3 /10
Good day, I was suppose to pick up an automatic Audi A1, all wheel drive, 4 drs but none were available, so they try to rent me a Volvo for an extra 5 euro /day or a BMW for an extra 15 euro/day. I told them that the reason I book from you and from home with the super cover was for the reason I didn’t not want to pay more....so they offer the smart for 4 and it was the only auto left for the same price after what it seemed hours, I finally told them that a standard was fine. So they gave me an standard Peugeot 308, front wheel drive with summer tires and charge me an extra 38 Euro for the tires snow chains because we were heading to Roccamorice in the province of Pescara. We were basically stuck in town for 10 days, because of the snow , the vehicle was useless in those conditions and the snow chains were just a waist of time and $. We actually used my sister’s vehicle ( a small GM spark with winter tires on). On the way back to the airport on January 14 ( 2:30 hours trip), It was very stressful because the highway to Rome from Pescara was icy and very dangerous to about 30 minutes from Rome.
Über QEEQ: 8.0 /10
Wirtschaft | Audi A1 oder ähnliches

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